Project Details 2010.

For the sixth year in a row, our training project is being implemented by the joint efforts of Queen's Health Outreach East Africa (QHO) and Youth Empowerment Strategic Scheme (YESS), a Nairobi-based grassroots youth organization. QHO is a registered charitable organization that is exclusively managed and operated by student volunteers from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. YESS is registered with the Kenyan government as an independent youth group and is comprised of students and recent graduates of universities in East Africa.

This year, project is returning to the Kenyan capital of Nairobi after spending 2 years in the more rural areas of Rongai and Nakuru. The team will spend 8 weeks in Nairobi, reconnecting with schools taught at previously as well as teaching at six new institutions. Project will also consist of outreach activities such as community clean-up, tree planting, and temporary HIV testing days as well as networking with other local organizations that provide health and educational support in Nairobi.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Karibu Kenya!

I can't count the number of times I heard that phrase in the past 24 hours...karibu Kenya...welcome to Kenya! The appropriate Swahili response? Asante sana.

After a whirlwind of on-flight movies and airplane food, it was thrilling to finally touch down on Kenyan soil. We were greeted at the airport by 2 members of the YESS team, Robert and Tony before being whisked off via matatu (the Kenyan equivalent of an overgrown minivan) to our accommodations in the Milimani district of Nairobi. Driving is on the opposite side of the street in Kenya, and every time Robert would lean back to say something to us Robynn would have a momentary panic attack that our driver was ignoring the crazy streets of Nairobi!

We arrived at our apartments and were greeted by YESS with a delicious feast of Kenyan food. Very filling. Although unfortunately us Canadians probably didn't offer up our best table talk due to significant jet lag and time change. Another observation from Sammy's kitchen - the oranges are very green and pretty tart, and the watermelon is AMAZING. It has been great to get to know our YESS partners, and start relationships that are going to grow throughout project.

This post comes from our first venture to a cyber cafe in Nairobi. It was really interesting to have a chance to walk through the streets of the city. It is a bustling place, full of life and lots and lots of people! I can't wait to see more of the city as we visit schools to implement our teaching project. My perception of this country has already shifted in the limited time we have spent here so far, and I can't wait to experience its further evolution over the next few months.

More updates to follow! Farewell from Nairobi!

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