Project Details 2010.

For the sixth year in a row, our training project is being implemented by the joint efforts of Queen's Health Outreach East Africa (QHO) and Youth Empowerment Strategic Scheme (YESS), a Nairobi-based grassroots youth organization. QHO is a registered charitable organization that is exclusively managed and operated by student volunteers from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. YESS is registered with the Kenyan government as an independent youth group and is comprised of students and recent graduates of universities in East Africa.

This year, project is returning to the Kenyan capital of Nairobi after spending 2 years in the more rural areas of Rongai and Nakuru. The team will spend 8 weeks in Nairobi, reconnecting with schools taught at previously as well as teaching at six new institutions. Project will also consist of outreach activities such as community clean-up, tree planting, and temporary HIV testing days as well as networking with other local organizations that provide health and educational support in Nairobi.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

practice teaching


So it has been a week since my last post and so much has happened since then. The first few days were fairly laid-back as we battled the jet-lag and became accustomed to our new surroundings. On Monday we started our department work. The training department organized our teaching kits for the schools and created a new workbook for the students. Hopefully this will enhance the sustainability of our project by giving the students something concrete to take notes in and follow along as we go through our curriculum.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we were divided into training teams with at least one Canadian and one Kenyan in each group. We divided up each curriculum (Life Skills, Gender and Relationships, HIV/AIDS, Responsible Sexuality and Abuse/Self-esteem) into different sections and then broke off into our groups to practice. Presenting in front of the entire Kenyadian team was a fun experience. I had the chance to teach with Mercy and Gaddiel, who were both so energetic and inspiring. It was very interesting to see the rest of the group present as well, as everyone has such a unique teaching style. Lorna says things in a way such that absolutely anyone could understand, she is so approachable and I know she will be amazing in the classroom. Mercy is so creative and demonstrates this in her innovative skits. Daniel was hilarious when he presented female anatomy; he held his composure so well through most of it and was so professional, but he finally broke down in a fit of laughter towards the end. Vivian has a great presence and is such a kind person, I think her students will really relate to her. Gaddiel amused us with his sense of humor and confidence speaking in front of a group. Angie has a "no-nonsense" style of delivering the material and really demonstrates her passion for the curriculum. Finally, Tony knows how to deliver a wonderful empowerment message that made us all want to go out and effect positive change.

I am so excited to see everyone really shine in the classrooms next week, we are all going to learn so much from each other and our students. I can't wait to start!

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